Best Seed Starting Mix
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How to Make the Best Seed Starting Mix
In this post I will show you how to make the best seed starting mix. Regular Seed starting mix will cost you about $5 per 8 dry quarts if you buy it from store or garden center but would cost you less than a $1.50 if you do it yourself. All Starting mix and potting mix are often made from Perlite and peat moss and some fertilizer or organic fertilizer. Making your own seed starting mix will not only save you money, you will also be able to make great quality and use organic product you can depend on. I use organic worm casting in the place of fertilizer because it is better quality, organic, disease resistant, cheap or free in my case because it is from my worm bin and or compost pile.
How to Put the Starting Mix Together
Note that Peat Moss and worm compost are equal parts, so you can change the quantity
Depending on how much seed starter mix you want to make.
Main Ingredients Perlite, Peat Moss and organic worm casting
Mixture: Mix the following in a container
4 part (cup) Peat Moss
4 part (cup) worm compost (organic worm casting)(or other great quality compost)
1 Part(cup) perlite
Mix all the above items in a large container so that they are completely mixed, once they are the mix you can add warm water to mix it until it gets a sponge-like texture (not to wet and not to dry). that is it, you can now fill your seed starting container(s) with the seed starting mix and plant your seeds.
If you do not have worm compost or want to add any compost to your mix, You can do this mixture instead
Mix the following in a container
5 part (cup) Peat Moss
1 Part(cup) perlite
1 tablespoon organic fertilizer like Garden-tone
Using the Starting Mix
Fill the container to within 1/4 of the rim with your seed starting mix and gently add Luke warm water to Moisten.
Sow seed as directed on the seed packet, making sure that you plant at the recommended depth from the seed packet. after sowing moisten with a fine spray to settle the mixture around the seeds.
Cover the container with a sheet of plastic or paper and put in a warm area of the house or in a greenhouse until germination starts.
When seed sprout, remove plastic or paper cover from the container and then move it to a well-lighted area like a windowsill, greenhouse outside or put it under a grow light.