Save Money on Back to School Shopping

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How to Save Money on Back to School Shopping

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It is Back to school time and it is that time of the year where parent start runing around looking for back to school supplies. In this post, I will show you how to Save Money on Back to School Shopping this year. Following these simple steps will not only make you shopping affordable but will save you money.

Buy in Bulk

If you can buy in bulk and save money, why won’t you do it. buying in bulk or large quantity is how to Save Money on Back to School Shopping.

Sams Club and BJS then I suggest you buy some of the things you can fine at those locations.

They’re usually cheaper. If you are not a member of those wholesale club, you can still save by buying large packs or quantities of items you need at other retailers like Wal-Mart, Target, staples and Amazon.

Instead of buy a 3 pack pencil, buy the 12 pack. you know you kids are going to break it, 

give it to friends, loss it (I can find it) etc and you will be force to go to the store and buy  another one. if you bought the large pack you will save yourself a trip to the store and also save money on your purchase.



Dixon Ticonderoga #2 HB Soft Pencils, 0.5 mm, 18 Count










The break down of the pencils above are these. buy 30pk for $5.97 or 18 pk for $8.44. finally you are paying $0.46 for the 18pk and $0.19 for the 30pk. you are geting the 30 pk at almost half the price of the 18pk if you break it down like that.


If your kid’s backpack or lunch box is still in good shape then you can still use it. all you need to do is clean it up (look at the cleaning instructions inside) a little TLC will go a long way to bring it back. You can also put a few decorations on it 

(especially decorations or labels or character or cartoons they like)  would go a long way in convincing them to love their old backpack or lunch box. By spending a couple of dollars on labels and decoration, you are able to save money compare to what you would have spend if you bought a new one.


Comparing prices is one of the key answer to the question, How to Save Money on Back to School Shopping? I cannot stress enough how important comparing prices are in back to school shopping or any shopping for that matter.

Check the prices of the items you are looking for in few stores and then buy it. With the popularity of online shopping and pickup today, you can easily compare prices online before you go to the store or buy it online.

Saving a few cents or dollars on every item on your list can really add up fast.



Even though I said earlier to buy in bulk, but in other items it is important to buy only what you need.

For basic school supplies that kids need all the time like pens, pencil, erasers, crayons, markers etc can be purchase in bulk but other thinks like clothes, shoes, binder, only buy what you need. kids grow every day so the cloth or shoes you buy today might not fit them in 3 to 6 months time.

You might also get those things cheaper later on. for example summer cloths go on sale in September and you might get some of the back to school items on clearance in September or later.

Hold off on Apparel Purchases until September

As stated above, Summer cloths go on sale in September and as a result  you might get back to school apparel items on clearance  at 50% or 70% off their regular prices. Get the bare minimum apparel right now and when the go on sale, you can buy everything you need.


There is always back to school sales as retailer try to entice you to shop at their store. you can get some of your back to school items at a major discount. for example Wal-Mart has $0.25 cents 1 subject notebook that is cheaper than all other place around me.

Check the sales and  make use of it to save you money. At the time of writting this post,Wal-Mart has Elmer’s All Purpose School Glue Sticks, Washable, 7 Gram, 30 Count for $8.88 which is usually $14.88. That is a savings of $6 on one item.


You can earn cash back on your back-to-school purchases!  Using apps like Rakuten 

(formerly, Ebates), Ibotta and Fetch will help you earn cashback on your school supplies that you will be purchasing anyway. If you have a credit card that offer cash back on your purchase at various retailers, use it to save even more. Why miss out on these extra points, gift cards and cash you could earn?!

Use Rekutan to shop and Save

all you need to do is sign up with Rakuten, Shop as usual to earn Cash Back and

Get paid by PayPal or check
if you shop at some particular stores you get double cash back.

Use Dosh app to shop and save money

shopping app

All you have to do is Securely link your credit and debit cards. Whenever you pay with your linked cards, Dosh gets you cash back.

Pay with your linked card at 1,000s of stores and restaurants, and get up to 10% cash back automatically in your Dosh Wallet.


Don’t overlook supplies that you might already have on hand

Why spend money and buy something you already have from last year or previous years. check your kids backpack, drawers and other storage areas for what is left. they might still have items they did not use last year. if you have a couple of kids, you might finds items other kids did not use the previous years. Viola! you save money if you do not buy one or more items.

Trade with other parents

You can also trade the items you have and don’t need any more with  items  you need from other parents who have it. If you can trade a few items with a couple of parents that is money you’ve save and in the process you are able to get rid of some unwanted items.

Shop End of Year Clearance, this helps you save for next year

One best way to save money for back to school next year is to shop end of year clearance for back to school items. you could save 50 to 80% on some items at the end of year sales.


save on back to school







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