Uses of Coffee Grounds in the Garden



Uses of coffee grounds in the garden

Uses of coffee grounds in the gardenThis post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting so I can continue to provide you free content each week! You guys are amazing! 

Coffee grounds are the waste you get from making coffee either at home or at a fancy restaurant. most people throw this waste in the trash which ends up in landfills, what you or most of them don’t know is that even though it is a waste product, it is still very valuable in the home. it can be use for so many different things from cleaning scrub to neutralize odor, to gardening and many more.

Today we will be talking about various ways you can use coffee grounds in your garden and why.

Coffee Ground Fertilizer

Adding coffee grounds to your garden is a cheap and eco-friendly way to add nutrients to your soil. Coffee grounds contain several key minerals for plant growth  nitrogen, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and chromium  – all these are important plant nutrients.

If you put coffee grounds under you plants, it will provide the plants with  nitrogen, magnesium, potassium iron, phosphorus and chromium which will not only help maintain the nutrient level but help the plants  thrive.

Coffee grounds are also acidic, adding it to your garden soil or garden bed will help to maintain the acidity of the soil. Coffee grounds are great for acid loving plants like Roses.

Coffee grounds as plant food

what you need: Used coffee grounds, A cookie Sheet and Newspaper


1. Line a cookie sheet with newspaper.

2. Then, spread your used coffee grounds out on the sheet, and allow them to dry completely.

3. Sprinkle the grounds around the base of your acid-loving plants. Azaleas, roses, rhododendrons and blueberries are just some of the plants that will benefit from this treatment.

You can also add it to flower beds just by sprinkle it straight on top. Take a handful and spread them onto the top of your soil. Make sure you don’t layer it thicker than half an inch. any quantity more than half an inch could  have the coffee grounds fuse together and create a solid crust which prevents water from getting through to your plants. Use a small fork or a rake to spread the coffee evenly in the garden soil.

coffee grounds also help attrack worm to your garden and there by improving soil texture and quality.

Note: Be careful not to over do it with the grounds. Even acid-loving plants can get too much acid.

Coffee grounds provide Nitrogen boost to plants

Nitrogen craving vegetables include corn, spinach, tomatoes, any leafy vegetable and flowers like camellias, roses, rhododendrons, and azaleas thrive in nitrogen-rich soil. adding coffee grounds to these plants will give them a boost.

Use Coffee grounds as Lawn fertilizer

since coffee ground have a lot of nitrogen and grass needs nitrogen, sprinkling coffee ground on your lawn and water your lawn or mix about half a pound of coffee grounds and a gallon of water in a spray can and water your lawn with it. it will distribute the coffee grounds evenly and provide instant food to your lawn.



Use Coffee grounds in Composting

Don’t need coffee ground fertilizer right now,  you can compost your coffee grounds for later use.

You can add your leftover coffee grounds in your compost pile. coffee grounds in compost pile will help heat up your pile and as a result will helps your compost heap turn leftover food, fruit and vegetable peelings into nutrient-rich garden soil.

It is very simple and easy to do, just throw your coffee grounds and coffee filter straight onto your compost pile or compost bin. Coffee filters are biodegradable as well, so they will also breakdown with time. coffee grounds will not only add nitrogen to your compost pile, it will also improve the makeup of your garden soil.

Other items you can add to your compost include grass clippings, leaves, bark, shredded newspaper, shredded cardboard, egg shells, fruits, herbs, stale bread  and vegetable trimmings. 


Avoid adding meat, dairy products, dog or human waste, diseased plants and  grease to your compost pile.

Use Coffee grounds to make potting mix

You can mix equal parts grounds and topsoil to create a potting mixture. even tough this will not be the best potting mix but it will be much much better than just regular top soil or garden soil.

Use Coffee grounds as mulch

if you can easilly get a lot of coffee grounds from coffee shops like Starbuck, you can use it to mulch your garden bed. put it on your garden bed about 1 or 2 inches thick,  this will create a water-resistant crust or a barrier on top of the soil.  do not put it to close to your plants because it might block water from getting to the roots.

Use Coffee grounds for seed germination

Some plants  like cabbage and soya beans germinate faster in a soil or seed starter that has coffee grounds. the nitrogen in coffee grounds produce heat which increase the soil temperature and as a result heat and nitrogen loving seeds germinate, grow quickly and more successfully.

Using Coffee grounds for pest control 

Use coffee grounds to help keep unwanted pests out of your garden. spring a little bit of coffee around you plants and slugs will avoid that areas. this will also help deter your cats from destroying your garden.

Add Coffee grounds to your Worm bin

Worms love coffee grounds, if you have a worm bin, add coffee grounds in your worm bin and the worms will go to town on them. the grainer coffee grounds are great for worms digestive system ast it helps clean their systems and the bye product you get from worms it black gold (one of the best compost) this compost helps improve soil texture and quality.

uses of coffee grounds in the garden

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