How to Plant Seeds in Your Garden


How to Plant Seeds in Your Garden

how to plant seeds in your garden 2

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  Starting your seeds indoor help you save money on seedlings and it also helps you get seedlings before the beginning of the growing season. Indoor seed starting also give you a jump start on the planting season.  But if for some reason you don’t want or have the time and resources to do it, You can just plant it directly to the soil. 

One of the cheapest and easy ways to start a vegetable or  flower garden is to plant seeds directly into your garden. For instance, The price of a packet of seeds which sometimes comes with as many a  20 seeds is preferable than to buy one seedling from your local garden center or farm stand at or above the price.

For example a packet of Tomato seeds, that cost about $2, can yield more than a hundred tomatoes. That same $2 will only get you one or two tomato seedlings.

How to get seeds

how to plant seeds in your garden

Some people save seeds by harvesting seeds from store bought or seeds harvested from the previous growing season, some get seeds from friends and family members, others get seeds from seed sharing groups or websites. Finally others get buy seeds from garden centers, Seed Catalog and online seed retailers. 




Vegetable Guide

Seeds to Start indoors: Broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, pepper and Tomato

Seeds to plant in early spring: Beet, Broccoli, carrot, lettuce,  onion, pea, radish and spinach.

Plant these seeds after last frost: Cantaloupe, cucumber, garden bean, pumpkin, squash, sweat corn, Swiss chard and watermelon.

Easy seeds to grow: corn, cucumber, peas, green bean and pumpkin    


Tips on How To Plant Seeds in your Garden

Here are a few tips on how to plant seeds in your garden

Good Soil Preparation

Start preparing the soil after the last sign of frost in your area. Here in New England it is

around the first week of May.  First thing you want to do is to remove all weeds in the area you will use for your garden.

Secondly  loosen the soil with a hoe, 3 finger hoe digger or soil tiller. I like to use a shovel turn and loosen the soil. To improve the soil, I recommend you add soil amendments such as compost and composted manure. Depending on the condition, some soils might require garden Lime or Peat moss.


How to Plant Seeds

How to plant seeds in a gardenThe easiest ways to plant seeds is by making a rows in your soil. I use a hoe to make rows, You can use whatever you want.  the rows also give you a path to move around your garden bed without trampling on your plants or garden bed.

Grab your seeds and Look at the back, it has instructions on how deep and apart the seeds should be planted. Most seeds are planted ¼” to 2” deep. A good rule of thumb is that the smaller the seed, the shallower it should be planted . There are some very tiny seeds that you just sprinkle the seeds on the bed.

Make a little hole with a stick, your finger or any other little tool and drop you seeds in there according to the instruction on the package and cover the seeds with soil and gently press 

seed germination

down the soil. 

I usually plant more  seeds than I need so that I can weed out  the ones that are not doing well. 

 Next, water using a watering can or gentle setting on your hose nozzle, You don’t want use 

any other water setting that might move or dig out the seeds. You want the soil to be moist because moisture helps activates the seed so it can start germinating. Depending on the weather, you may have to water daily or twice a day to keep the soil moist. Most seeds germinate within 5-10 days, but some like Pepper can take up to 2 weeks.





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